Native Language Preservation and Revitalization Professional Development Certificate Program

***To view the 33 workshops, sessions, posters, and Round Tables specific to Language Preservation and Revitalization, click here.***

The Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums is offering Professional Development Certificates in Native Language Preservation and Revitalization for participants attending pre-specified training offered at the 2019 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums. Enrollment is by application and is open to everyone.

Scholarships covering lodging and registration fees are available. Applications are due on or before Monday, July 22 but will be accepted until all funds are awarded.Scholarship Application Form.

Participants in the Certificate program must:

• Complete a Professional Development Certificate Enrollment Form.

• Register for the ATALM conference, including one of the required pre-conference workshops or tours. Please refer to the Language Preservation and Revitalization Program to determine which pre-conference workshop you wish to choose. If your attendance is dependent upon receiving a Scholarship, please DO NOT register until you know you have received an award. Conference Registration Form

• Attend the specified conference workshops/sessions and verify attendance. Participants wishing to attend sessions outside of their discipline may do so, but will be required to make up the time by participating in additional online training. To view the full conference program, click here. Please note that it is a large file and may take a while to download.

• Complete a minimum of six hours of on-line training by March 30, 2020 Training resources are available at Webinars include “Immersion: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies”; “Language, Learning, and the Brain”; “Language Learning Benefits”; “Language as Community Engagement”; “Attaining Fluency in a Critically Endangered Language”’ “Mining Linguistic Resources”; and “SWOT Analysis”. In addition to the resources, you may also earn hours by accessing resources available on the NLCC website.

• Submit a brief evaluation of the program along with documentation of the six hours of online training.

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