Poster sessions enable presenters to share information about project activities, practical problem solving ideas, and innovative programs. Many presenters prefer this format because it allows for one-on-one interaction with conference attendees and provides an extended exposure time since posters remain up for the duration of the conference. Poster Session participants place materials such as photographs, data, graphs, diagrams, and narrative text on poster boards. During the assigned time period, participants informally discuss their presentations with conference attendees.

ATALM provides black tri-fold poster boards (48" wide x 36" high), scissors, tape, and glue to affix materials to the poster boards. Materials are available on Tuesday, October 25. Check with the conference Registration Desk if you have questions.


Please leave your completed poster at your preassigned table.

During the session, you must be available to discuss your poster with conference attendees by making brief remarks, sharing information, and answering questions. Please be prepared at least 15 minutes before the session starts. At the conclusion of your session, please do not remove your poster or handouts, but do take any items of value.

If your poster session includes electrical equipment, you will need to provide your own source of power (e.g., batteries). There will be very limited access to electrical support. Wi-Fi is available.

Audio-visual presentations that include sound are not encouraged. These can be distracting to the presenters located nearby. If you are able to supply headphones for viewers/listeners, sound is acceptable.


  • An effective poster tells a story and engages readers within the first few seconds of viewing.
  • Most readers may spend only a few minutes looking at a poster, so it is important to be concise and informative.
  • Basic components of an effective poster are the project title, presenter names, institution name and location, summary of project, how it was accomplished, and outcomes or results.
  • Visuals enhance the effectiveness of your presentation. However, simplicity and legibility are more important than artistic accomplishments. Charts, drawings, photographs, and other illustrations are encouraged.
  • A heading should be prepared for your presentation using lettering at least two inches high for the title of the presentation. The name(s) of the presenter(s), and their institutional/organizational affiliation(s) should also be included on the heading, but can be printed in a smaller font.
  • ALL lettering should be easily legible at a distance of four (4) feet.
  • Good use can be made of color, both to provide a more interesting image and for color coding of the text. A colored backing for each sheet can be effective. For added interest, try including an appropriate illustration, photograph, or quotation.
  • Have co-workers or others view your poster for clarity and appeal.
  • The display tables are draped, but you may wish to bring an additional cover that has your organization’s name.
  • Consider having about 50 copies of handouts such as brochures, bookmarks, or other informative material. Materials should have the title of the presentation, conference date and location, a summary of your project, website info, and contact information so people may contact you later.

Some poster presenters are scanning the poster components onto a single, large computer-generated sheet. This may be done in Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint, or Word. This process, which can be completed at most copy centers, allows for the poster to be laminated, rolled up, and placed in a tube for easier transportation. If you are flying, the tubes may not fit easily into overhead compartments, so plan accordingly.

There is free information on the Internet, including free templates for designing professional looking posters. Simply search for poster templates. There are also a few tutorials on YouTube. These websites might be helpful:

Online Sites for Designing and Printing Posters

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